Easten Diocese of the United States

Eastern Diocese of the United States

for the Independent Old Catholic Church


The Eastern Diocese of the United States, a proud diocese of the Independent Old Catholic Church, wishes to share pictures of its life, love, and our faith. We are one of the newest dioceses and still looking to grow, if you wish to join us consider our seminary, Agape Seminary. Curious of the process visit our ordination page, Ordination. This page will change often as we continue to grow our ministry and of course want to share. Below is some of our favorite moments and friends.

If anyone wishes to post announcements, comments, or pictures please send copy to: Bishop Warren Brown or Bishop Tom Bryant Please use the Subject Line – “New Pictures”
Most Rev. George H. W. LeMesurier
Most Rev. George H. W. LeMesurier; Archbishop and Primate of Our Church
Ordination of Fr. Gregory Hedrick
Ordination of Fr. Gregory Hedrick (Center) Bishop Emeritus White (Left) and Bishop Steve Harris (Right)
St. Michael's, 2018 IOCC Synod
St. Michael's, 2018 IOCC Synod
Episcopal Ordination of Thomas Bryant; by Archbishop LeMesurier
Ordination of Fr. Warren Brown
Ordination of Fr. Warren Brown; by Bishop White, Bishop Bryant, and Archbishop LeMesurier
Our Friend, Bishop Joe Grieboski; You are missed!
Deacon Jennifer and Father Al at our Retreat Dinner
Thank you Beth for a wonderful dinner and fellowship
Father Peter Joining the Others at an Outside Mass
Congrats Deacon Mark Peebles (2nd from left) w/Father Peter, Biship Harris, and Father Scott
Bishop Tom Bryant (Top Left) Bishop Steve Harris (Top Right) Aux Bishop Warren Brown (Bottom Left) and Bishop Richard White (Bottom Right)
God's Beauty on Display at Dunedin Florida
Rev Lisa Dibble and Bishop White
Deacon Jenn Reynolds, Aux Bishop Warren Brown, Bishop Tom Bryant, and Rev Lisa Dibble
Bishop Richard White
Bishop Tom Bryant Congratulates Auxiliary Bishop Warren Brown